You will see many more beautiful sunrises and sunsets when you are walking your dog. And this evening’s was gorgeous.
You will meet interesting people and their dogs.
You will visit wonderful local parks, lakes and trails that you didn’t know existed pre-dog.
You will enjoy walks in neighborhoods lit up for the holidays and be the first to walk in fresh snow.
You will get your steps in for the day, and your dog will love you for it.
I liked to draw as a kid. So I studied art . . . and fruit. A bowl of plastic fruit. It sat center stage for a semester teaching us shapes, shading and color.
Then college happened, and art became more human. We drew people . . . holding fruit.
Please Don’t Use These Words
I enjoyed my English classes in college. It made me think and write. My professor taught us “really” and “just” aren’t words. So don’t use them.
Walking Rocky
Rocky, my animal shelter rescue, is demanding about his walks. We go out at least twice a day. I enjoy them. It gives me “time to look at more stuff and think about it harder” – a concept from an agency called Play, which later joined Prophet.
Andy Stefanovich, co-founder of Play and author of Look at More: A Proven Approach to Innovation, Growth, and Change, said this means it’s the freedom to go beyond the walls of your office to look for inspiration. It’s putting old ideas together in new ways or making the common uncommon. It’s about thinking when you aren’t trying to think of anything.
What inspires you?
How to Be Successful in Sales – One Easy Step
Brand new in a sales position a few years ago, I asked my boss about the training he promised when I first accepted the job. He said, “Go out and see people. You’ll do more than the guy you replaced.”